
The  Broadside, September 16, 1964The Broadside

Look through a complete run of the music periodical, The Broadside.

When The Broadside first appeared in March 1962, it immediately became a key resource for folk musicians and fans in New England. Written by and for members of the burgeoning scene, The Broadside was a central resource for information on performances and venues and throughout the region, covering coffeehouses, concert halls, festivals, and radio and television appearances.

View some photographs taken on assignment for The Broadside. (Under copyright, use for research purposes only).


Other Music Periodicals

Or, check out other music magazines:


Alternative Press

In addition to the Liberation News Service (a news agency and newspaper), the underground press movement was a critical component of the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s.

Explore the digital collection of alternative press newspapers available through Independent Voices.


Visit SCUA on the 25th floor of the Du Bois Library to view periodicals in our Social Change Periodical Collection, or check out other collections with periodicals from the 60s and 70s.