Recent interviews

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Oral history interviews at UMass Amherst, 2022-2023

Washington Post interview, Jan. 29, 2023

Sam Fortier of The Washington Post wrote an extensive article on Bert Bell and the evolution of professional football during his era as NFL Commissioner.  (Archived article with letter from author)

Philadelphia ABC6 interview, Feb. 7, 2023

Before the 2023 Super Bowl game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City, Upton Bell was interviewed by ABC6 on the historic founding by Bert Bell of the Philadelphia Eagles.

The Game Before the Money podcast

Upton Bell has been interviewed multiple times by football historian Jackson Michael for the "The Game Before the Money" podcast.

Sports Raconteurs and Upton's Updates

As a commentator on the Sports Raconteurs podcast and radio show, Upton Bell helps draw out stories from a growing body of interviews with athletes, sports writers, coaches, and execs. Listen to the collection at

Pigskin Dispatch podcast

Upton Bell was interviewed in time for Bert Bell's birthday on Feb. 25, 2021. "Remembering Commissioner Bert Bell's NFL Legacy with his son Upton!!"

Interview with Sports Raconteurs

Upton Bell was interviewed on the Sports Raconteurs podcast on Dec. 7, 2020. Son of NFL president Bert Bell, former NFL executive, long term radio host and social commentator Upton Bell discusses his donation of his family’s memorabilia collection to the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Football's Storied Past documentary

Arlington (Mass.) Community Media Inc. produced a nine part documentary on Upton Bell and his family that is available online.